We have a server running a Jade application and the problem being experienced is that the drive where the transaction and message logs are stored keeps filling up to capacity with a .tmp file. The filename is in the format tdb_[servername]_00f8c[187.8].tmp and from all the reading I've done over the last day I realise this is not the format for a journal log or message log file. It is currently at 46GB, it will continue to grow until the drive is full and we have to delete it.
I would have thought that the location for this file to be created would be specified in the jade.ini file as it is not a default path, and also the filename format as well, but I cannot seem to locate entries in the jade.ini for these parameters. That said, I know very little about Jade and this file may be related to the Jadelog or journallog entries in the INI. Can anyone shed any light on this? I am sure it is just a configuration issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.