Postby ken chiam » Fri May 21, 2010 5:18 pm
Hi swishy, thanks for ur prompt reply, i do not know how to read the jommsg log, but this is the last entry that i had
2010/05/13 09:00:49.734 010e8-0b88 SCOPERATOR01: (jadrap) Version 6.3.06 - ANSI, OS Version: NT 5.01 build 2600 (Service Pack 3), Wow64: false, Architecture: i686-msoft-win32-ansi
2010/05/13 09:00:49.734 010e8-0b88 SCOPERATOR01: Invocation: "C:\Jade63\bin\jadrap.exe" path=C:\Jade63\system ini=C:\Jade63\system\Jade.ini
2010/05/13 09:00:49.734 010e8-0b88 JadRap: Jade Server starting: version= path=C:\Jade63\system
2010/05/13 09:00:50.171 010e8-0b88 PDB: Database initialising with jomdb version:, ini=C:/Jade63/system/Jade.ini
2010/05/13 09:00:50.171 010e8-0b88 PDB: System file directory: C:/Jade63/bin/
2010/05/13 09:00:50.171 010e8-0b88 PDB: <<INFO>> IO resource error handling: retry delay = 500ms, retry limit = 2
2010/05/13 09:00:50.218 010e8-0b88 PDB: buffer cache: 16777216 byte heap, buffer cleanup on exit disabled (default), hash modulus = 16336
2010/05/13 09:00:50.265 010e8-166c PDB: BOT <Buffer Overlay>
2010/05/13 09:00:50.265 010e8-1218 PDB: BOT <Bg Flush>
2010/05/13 09:00:50.265 010e8-1af8 PDB: BOT <Database Worker>
2010/05/13 09:00:50.265 010e8-0b88 PDB: Update timestamp for _system.bin: 23 March 2010 05:05:03.813899
2010/05/13 09:00:50.359 010e8-0b88 PDB: <<LICENCE RESTRICTION>>: Total active database size restricted to 2GB
2010/05/13 09:00:50.359 010e8-0b88 TDB: buffer cache: 131072 byte heap, buffer cleanup on exit disabled (default), hash modulus = 1021
2010/05/13 09:00:50.453 010e8-0b88 TDB: buffer cache: 131072 byte heap, buffer cleanup on exit disabled (default), hash modulus = 1021
2010/05/13 09:00:50.515 010e8-167c PDB: ************************************************************************************************
2010/05/13 09:00:50.515 010e8-167c PDB: <<WARNING>> Journal directory: C:/Jade63/system/journals/current/
2010/05/13 09:00:50.515 010e8-167c PDB: <<WARNING>> Journal directory is located on the same volume as your Database
2010/05/13 09:00:50.515 010e8-167c PDB: Database performance compromised; audit I/O will compete with database I/O
2010/05/13 09:00:50.515 010e8-167c PDB: ************************************************************************************************
2010/05/13 09:00:50.515 010e8-167c PDB: Delta logging enabled
2010/05/13 09:00:50.546 010e8-167c PDB: Current journal: C:/Jade63/system/journals/current/db0000000010.log
2010/05/13 09:00:50.656 010e8-167c PDB: CP flushed 0 buffers, et=0 ms
2010/05/13 09:00:50.656 010e8-167c PDB: commit files elapsed time=0
2010/05/13 09:00:50.703 010e8-167c PDB: <<Check Point>> LSN=(10,2748450), minRecoveryLSN=(10,2748450), farthestBackLSN=(10,2748450), elapsed time=41
2010/05/13 09:00:50.734 010e8-167c PDB: <<WARNING>> Archival Recovery not enabled - database availability compromised
2010/05/13 09:00:50.765 010e8-167c PDB: Database: {63ccc4e5-8952-df11-8e23-00101834782e} successfully opened for update, last update jomdb version:
2010/05/13 09:00:51.218 010e8-167c PDB: _rootdef.dat[40] opened, add: 119 file bytes, active db size=119 bytes
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Initializing: scm=RootSchema, oid=[1.1], scmNo=1, lvl=1
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Initializing: scm=EPGC_Monitoring, scmOid=[1280.5], scmNo=100, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Initializing: scm=Jade, scmOid=[1280.2], scmNo=101, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Initializing: scm=SJBSchema, scmOid=[1280.3], scmNo=102, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Initializing: scm=CpxSchema, scmOid=[1280.4], scmNo=103, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Initializing: Jade is present
2010/05/13 09:00:51.546 010e8-167c Jom: Remote node create: oid=[186.1], node=0x01989168, id=SCOPERATOR011, type=1, cacheCoherency=true
2010/05/13 09:00:51.562 010e8-167c Jom: Local node create: oid=[186.1], node=0x00BE1FB0, id=SCOPERATOR011, type=1
2010/05/13 09:00:51.609 010e8-167c Jom: Background process initialized: 0x01911EB8, oid=[187.1]
2010/05/13 09:00:51.640 010e8-1dfc JomLog: BOT <CacheCoherency>
2010/05/13 09:00:51.640 010e8-0b88 NetMgr: Starting server network = TcpIp_6005
2010/05/13 09:00:51.687 010e8-0b88 SvcMgr: Level:Info Source:LocalHost Message:System initialize ini='' path='C:\Jade63\system'
2010/05/13 11:40:42.968 010e8-167c Jom: Local node delete: oid=[186.1], node=0x00BE1FB0, start time=09:00:51.562, elapsed time=02:39:51.406
2010/05/13 11:40:43.015 010e8-0b88 Jom: Local process delete: oid=[187.1], process=0x1911eb8, no=1, id=5756, type=0 (non-prodn), scm=RootSchema, app=RootSchemaApp, start time=09:00:51.609, elapsed time=02:39:51.406
2010/05/13 11:40:43.015 010e8-1af8 PDB: EOT <Database Worker>
2010/05/13 11:40:43.218 010e8-166c PDB: EOT <Buffer Overlay>
2010/05/13 11:40:43.218 010e8-1218 PDB: EOT <Bg Flush>
2010/05/13 11:40:43.609 010e8-0b88 PDB: CP flushed 9 buffers, et=1 ms
2010/05/13 11:40:43.656 010e8-0b88 PDB: commit files elapsed time=44
2010/05/13 11:40:43.703 010e8-0b88 PDB: <<Check Point>> LSN=(10,2753541), minRecoveryLSN=(10,2753541), farthestBackLSN=(10,2753541), elapsed time=92
2010/05/13 11:40:44.250 010e8-0b88 PDB: _rootdef.dat[40] closed, subtract: 119 file bytes, active db size=0 bytes
2010/05/13 11:40:44.453 010e8-0b88 PDB: Database closed successfully
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-1dfc JomLog: EOT <CacheCoherency>
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JomLog: Persistent NoteMgr : sys hits=0, sys misses=0, sys skips=5
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JomLog: Persistent NoteMgr : usr hits=0, usr misses=0, usr skips=0
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JomLog: Transient NoteMgr : sys hits=0, sys misses=0, sys skips=0
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JomLog: Transient NoteMgr : usr hits=0, usr misses=0, usr skips=0
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JomLog: Transient NoteMgr : sys hits=0, sys misses=0, sys skips=0
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JomLog: Transient NoteMgr : usr hits=0, usr misses=0, usr skips=0
2010/05/13 11:40:44.687 010e8-0b88 JadRap: Jade Server exiting
2010/05/13 11:40:44.796 010e8-0b88 SCOPERATOR01: (jadrap) Finished: exit code 0
2010/05/13 14:36:31.312 01018-18cc SCOPERATOR01: (jade) Version 6.3.06 - ANSI, OS Version: NT 5.01 build 2600 (Service Pack 3), Wow64: false, Architecture: i686-msoft-win32-ansi
2010/05/13 14:36:31.328 01018-18cc SCOPERATOR01: Invocation: "C:\Jade63\bin\jade.exe" path=C:\Jade63\system ini=C:\Jade63\system\Jade.ini app=Jade server = singleUser
2010/05/13 14:36:31.312 01018-18cc PDB: Database initialising with jomdb version:, ini=C:/Jade63/system/Jade.ini
2010/05/13 14:36:31.328 01018-18cc PDB: System file directory: C:/Jade63/bin/
2010/05/13 14:36:31.328 01018-18cc PDB: <<INFO>> IO resource error handling: retry delay = 500ms, retry limit = 2
2010/05/13 14:36:31.421 01018-18cc PDB: buffer cache: 16777216 byte heap, buffer cleanup on exit disabled (default), hash modulus = 16336
2010/05/13 14:36:31.453 01018-195c PDB: BOT <Buffer Overlay>
2010/05/13 14:36:31.453 01018-1144 PDB: BOT <Bg Flush>
2010/05/13 14:36:31.453 01018-1980 PDB: BOT <Database Worker>
2010/05/13 14:36:31.484 01018-18cc PDB: Update timestamp for _system.bin: 23 March 2010 05:05:03.813899
2010/05/13 14:36:31.921 01018-18cc PDB: <<LICENCE RESTRICTION>>: Total active database size restricted to 2GB
2010/05/13 14:36:31.937 01018-18cc TDB: buffer cache: 131072 byte heap, buffer cleanup on exit disabled (default), hash modulus = 1021
2010/05/13 14:36:32.046 01018-1f78 PDB: ************************************************************************************************
2010/05/13 14:36:32.046 01018-1f78 PDB: <<WARNING>> Journal directory: C:/Jade63/system/journals/current/
2010/05/13 14:36:32.046 01018-1f78 PDB: <<WARNING>> Journal directory is located on the same volume as your Database
2010/05/13 14:36:32.046 01018-1f78 PDB: Database performance compromised; audit I/O will compete with database I/O
2010/05/13 14:36:32.046 01018-1f78 PDB: ************************************************************************************************
2010/05/13 14:36:32.062 01018-1f78 PDB: Delta logging enabled
2010/05/13 14:36:32.140 01018-1f78 PDB: Current journal: C:/Jade63/system/journals/current/db0000000010.log
2010/05/13 14:36:32.250 01018-1f78 PDB: CP flushed 0 buffers, et=0 ms
2010/05/13 14:36:32.250 01018-1f78 PDB: commit files elapsed time=0
2010/05/13 14:36:32.296 01018-1f78 PDB: <<Check Point>> LSN=(10,2753825), minRecoveryLSN=(10,2753825), farthestBackLSN=(10,2753825), elapsed time=47
2010/05/13 14:36:32.312 01018-1f78 PDB: <<WARNING>> Archival Recovery not enabled - database availability compromised
2010/05/13 14:36:32.343 01018-1f78 PDB: Database: {63ccc4e5-8952-df11-8e23-00101834782e} successfully opened for update, last update jomdb version:
2010/05/13 14:36:32.843 01018-1f78 PDB: <<LICENCE RESTRICTION>>: Total active database size restricted to 2GB
2010/05/13 14:36:33.156 01018-1f78 PDB: _rootdef.dat[40] opened, add: 119 file bytes, active db size=119 bytes
2010/05/13 14:36:34.406 01018-1f78 Jom: Initializing: scm=RootSchema, oid=[1.1], scmNo=1, lvl=1
2010/05/13 14:36:34.406 01018-1f78 Jom: Initializing: scm=EPGC_Monitoring, scmOid=[1280.5], scmNo=100, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 14:36:34.406 01018-1f78 Jom: Initializing: scm=Jade, scmOid=[1280.2], scmNo=101, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 14:36:34.406 01018-1f78 Jom: Initializing: scm=SJBSchema, scmOid=[1280.3], scmNo=102, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 14:36:34.406 01018-1f78 Jom: Initializing: scm=CpxSchema, scmOid=[1280.4], scmNo=103, superScmOid=[1.1], superScmNo=1 , lvl=2
2010/05/13 14:36:34.406 01018-1f78 Jom: Initializing: Jade is present
2010/05/13 14:36:34.468 01018-1f78 Jom: Remote node create: oid=[186.1], node=0x01860B00, id=SCOPERATOR011, type=5, cacheCoherency=false
2010/05/13 14:36:34.546 01018-1f78 Jom: Local node create: oid=[186.1], node=0x014C1FB0, id=SCOPERATOR011, type=5
2010/05/13 14:36:34.609 01018-1f78 Jom: Background process initialized: 0x017E9840, oid=[187.1]
2010/05/13 14:36:36.968 01018-1acc Jom: Local process sign-on: oid=[187.2], process=0x017ABBC0, no=2, id=6860, type=1 (non-prodn), scm=JadeSchema, app=Jade
2010/05/13 14:36:38.203 01018-1acc Jade: Jade client startup: user=SCOPERATOR01 path=C:\Jade63\system multiUser=false
2010/05/13 14:36:53.671 01018-1acc PDB: epgc_monitoring.dat[51] opened, add: 2383 file bytes, active db size=2502 bytes
2010/05/13 17:23:02.125 01018-1acc Jade: Jade client shutdown
2010/05/13 17:23:03.640 01018-1f78 Jom: Local process delete: oid=[187.2], process=0x17abbc0, no=2, id=6860, type=1 (non-prodn), scm=JadeSchema, app=Jade, start time=14:36:36.968, elapsed time=02:46:26.671
2010/05/13 17:23:04.687 01018-1f78 Jom: Local node delete: oid=[186.1], node=0x014C1FB0, start time=14:36:34.546, elapsed time=02:46:30.140
2010/05/13 17:23:04.718 01018-18cc Jom: Local process delete: oid=[187.1], process=0x17e9840, no=1, id=8056, type=0 (non-prodn), scm=RootSchema, app=RootSchemaApp, start time=14:36:34.609, elapsed time=02:46:30.109
2010/05/13 17:23:04.718 01018-1980 PDB: EOT <Database Worker>
2010/05/13 17:23:04.921 01018-1144 PDB: EOT <Bg Flush>
2010/05/13 17:23:04.921 01018-195c PDB: EOT <Buffer Overlay>
2010/05/13 17:23:05.328 01018-18cc PDB: CP flushed 20 buffers, et=3 ms
2010/05/13 17:23:05.531 01018-18cc PDB: commit files elapsed time=208
2010/05/13 17:23:05.578 01018-18cc PDB: <<Check Point>> LSN=(10,2770551), minRecoveryLSN=(10,2770551), farthestBackLSN=(10,2770551), elapsed time=250
2010/05/13 17:23:06.156 01018-18cc PDB: _rootdef.dat[40] closed, subtract: 119 file bytes, active db size=2383 bytes
2010/05/13 17:23:06.218 01018-18cc PDB: epgc_monitoring.dat[51] closed, subtract: 2383 file bytes, active db size=0 bytes
2010/05/13 17:23:06.437 01018-18cc PDB: Database closed successfully
2010/05/13 17:23:06.703 01018-18cc JomLog: Persistent NoteMgr : sys hits=2, sys misses=2, sys skips=18
2010/05/13 17:23:06.703 01018-18cc JomLog: Persistent NoteMgr : usr hits=0, usr misses=0, usr skips=1
2010/05/13 17:23:06.703 01018-18cc JomLog: Transient NoteMgr : sys hits=0, sys misses=0, sys skips=0
2010/05/13 17:23:06.703 01018-18cc JomLog: Transient NoteMgr : usr hits=0, usr misses=0, usr skips=0
2010/05/13 17:23:06.828 01018-18cc SCOPERATOR01: (jade) Finished: exit code 0
btw, if i m using netBeans IDE, do i need to attach a persistence library to the persistence unit?
thanks for ur help!