by Anonymous >> Sun, 10 Feb 2008 7:09:01 GMT
I want to do some elaborate drawing off-screen, capture part of the image and draw it on-screen - basically a patch, without a full redraw on-screen. Unfortunately createPicture captures the whole image. As a workaround I can capture that large image, draw it on a second off-screen surface that is the right size, with scale settings so exactly the right area is shown, then capture the small image and draw that on-screen. This two-step process works, but not using createPictureIndirect (the recommended method) under thin-client.
So I'm looking for a simpler solution. I've tried using bitblt but not succeeded. I've tried placing a transparent control of the right size over the large off-screen surface, but while createPicture captures the parent's backColor it doesn't capture its drawing. Anyone got any ideas?