by skipton >> Tue, 19 Aug 2003 22:15:16 GMT
We're looking for a more efficient way of coding the client side of a web service, that is posting a SOAP message to a web server using HTTPS and getting a response back. The XML stuff is fine, it's the comms layer Im hoping for a better solution.
In our current implementation, we've imported the Microsoft XML activeX (msxml3.dll) to get hold of the XMLHTTP class. Using this I can get the job done in half a dozen lines of code or so, but our schema (which we wanted to keep relatively small) is now polluted with all the additional ActiveX classes that come with the import.
Is there a better solution out there?
I have tried using the CnHttp (CardSchema) functionality but have only managed to get this going with a direct internet connection (ie no proxy/firewall in the way). From our LAN, it seems to timeout where the XMLHTTP works.
Thanks in advance,
<kiwiInSkipton> JohnB </kiwiInSkipton>