by Stephen Persson >> Sun, 3 Sep 2000 22:40:17 GMT
We are having trouble with a Thin Client app we have. We are hosting the app server and have had it running for about 5 months with no problems. However a couple of these clients have now switched to JetStream connections and can no longer make a connection to the server - App Server couldn't be reached error, but if they return to a dial up connection, no problems. JetStream techos say it must be a problem with the software - Jade say it must be a problem with JetStream - does anyone have any experience with running ThinClients via a JetStream connection that could possibly shed some light on the situation?
Alternatively is anyone willing to give me an AppServer address & port number of a thin client app they may have running so I can test a connection to it from behind our JetStream connection - no functionality would be required, just to pop up a log on screen would at least show us we had a successful connection.