Dean Cooper >> Wed, 17 Sep 2008 11:11:17 GMT
There's a good discussion about method caches in Example 2 on page 22 of the Performance Analysis white paper: ... alysis.pdf
That example concludes with:
"Different nodes or processes can and should use different settings. In the case of a high number of server threads in the above example, it may be a better option to use a single cache or smaller interpreter cache for the server node. While JADE 6.2 improves the efficiency with which it shares a single interpreter cache, if memory is not a constraint, it is still true that multiple caches perform better. While setting the method cache too small can result in excessive CPU consumption and poor response time, setting it too large can waste memory. The objective when tuning the interpreter cache is to hold your commonly used methods in cache. For overall system performance, memory is often better used in other caches rather than holding infrequently used methods in the interpreter method cache."
Also see the MethodCache option on page 71 of the JADE 6.2 JadeIni.pdf manual, where it says:
"Multiple caches result in faster load and execution of JADE methods, especially on Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) nodes. However, this improved performance is achieved at the expense of an increased usage of physical memory."