Stephen Persson >> Tue, 5 Sep 2000 2:40:38 GMT
We have pretty much done the same as Wilfred, in that we also have given up on trying to create a professional web site solely using Jade, and have built our own web functionality on top of the Jade basics.
We have a graphic designer who basically constucts the sites using Dreamweaver. This lets us have javascripts, rollovers, frames, shockwave & flash movies and basically make them all look like a professional web site.
I then add comments to the raw html where I want Jade to insert its generated html.
On each control I have a method mGenerateHTML which will generate the html code for that control passed on the parameters passed back from the browser, then I read the html file, insert the control at the position I want, and send my page as the reply - instead of the Jade generated one. ( Use the sendReply method of the InternetPipe class).
Parameters can be passed back to the server, and read using the processRequest(httpString, queryString: String) method.
This probably sounds like an excessively complicated way to do things, but once the architecture is built it really is straight forward and produces far better pages with far more functionality - applets, javascripts, frames, rollovers, etc..
It is also very economical with licensing - the user doesn't hog one license the whole time they are browsing, which is sitting idle waiting for them 99% of the time anyway - we have managed to get session times down to 1/100th of a second, with a new session created for every request, then closed once the reply is send.
Check out which uses the above architecture.