Compile problem in JADE 4.1.11

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Compile problem in JADE 4.1.11

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:13 am

by Silver Springs... >> Tue, 2 Feb 1999 4:34:17 GMT

If you upgrade to JADE 4.1.11 then you will lose the facility to compile all your schema classes via the Compile... option off the Classes menu. Strange but true ...

You will discover that when accessing System classes in the Class Browser that the Compile... menu option becomes disabled --- and then enabled when you access any of your own classes.

This is a problem that you can work round but is inconvenient if say, you want to do a compile of your entire schema -- or all of your JADEScript methods.

May not get fixed until JADE 5 is the rumour .....


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