Error 3105 : Non Local Drive Not Supported

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Error 3105 : Non Local Drive Not Supported

Postby ConvertFromOldNGs » Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:28 am

by tyc >> Tue, 22 Oct 2002 8:10:13 GMT

Hi Jade Developers,

Recently preparing to move over to Jade 5.2 from 5.1.. After
upgrading an existing client, this error popped up due to the setup of the system.

The thing is the setup of the whole Jade system had been working
before while on 5.1. It's only after upgrading that it came up with
this error.

Basic setup is that : Jade's /bin is seperate from the /system [which
is stored on another server].

Any suggestions to overcome this error? Does that mean that Jade5.2
does not allow the /system to be away from the /bin? Was it something newly introduced to 5.2?

Also won't this have impact on a lot of installed systems whereby
there are emergency backup system where the /system is stored
seperately from the /bin?

Please advise and help.

Thanks in advance

L.C. Lim

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