At this year's Jade User Group a few of us got together (admittedly after a few brews) and decided there was value in the Jade community connecting more often. Hence the Jade User Group Facebook page was born. The page has the blessing of Jade Software.
Do I need to call endNotifcationForSubscriber before deleting the subscriber object? ie. does Jade clean up the pending notifcations when the subscriber object is deleted?
Thanks suzuki1100! looks very promising.. we've been pulling our hair out! Here is a Jade script we put together as a basic test. Would you be able suggest how we'd use _jadeActiveXInvoke in there? Also I see you're in AKL, do we know each other? testATConnection(); vars jadehttp : JadeHTTPConnectio...
We are attempting to implement an interface with the Portuguese tax authority AT that uses client certificates as well as server certificates to verify the identify of the sending software. The issue is that there does not seem to be any way of specifying the client certificate in either a jade web ...