We have moved to the Microsoft Print to PDF as well and have moved off a 3rd party PDF convertor.
To-date we've had no problems with the Microsoft Print to PDF driver.
Martin Jagers
Hi Darrel, there was a mail out advising interested parties of the JADECare Start hotfix. It appears that you are not on that list. Should you or anyone else wish to be added to or removed from the list of interested parties to ensure access to future mail outs please send an email to advising of su...
Just done a couple of quick tests and extracted a simple schema from JADE 2018 and was able to load the extracted schema into JADE 2016 SP1 and also into JADE 7.1.09. I'd assume that if you're using JADE 2018 and implement any new features only available in JADE 2018 then this will fail to load into...
Load freeware CardSchema (available from https://www.jadeworld.com/developer-center/jade-support/jade-care/). This provides a backup strategy that is supported by JADE Software Corp. The application is KCDatabaseBackupMulti which can be launched from JADE logic using the app.startApplicationWithPara...
If the listbox item is clicked then the listIndex is set and listbox.itemSelected[listbox.listIndex] will be true. And setting the foreColor / backColor is as simple as: listbox.itemForeColor[listbox.listIndex] := <fore color> listbox.itemBackColor[listbox.listIndex] := <back color> Combobox should ...
The CnSmtpConnection class will allow you to verify whether your email server accepted the email request or not. However that does not mean that the delivery is guaranteed, that is up to the email servers involved in the delivery. So if an email is issued and your email server acknowledges that then...
I have always found that if the form is unloaded then using the Painter to modify and save the form works fine, regardless of the JADE release. We typically don't have to close down the application in order to be able to use the painter. The application concerned must have an instance in-use somehow...
FYI, if you have CardSchema schema loaded then there is a simple method that can be invoked (regardless of whether JADECare managed or not) which will provide the number of transient objects by class remaining. If CardSchema is a super-schema then by simply invoking app.cnCheckForTransients, this wi...